Welcome to 8th Grade
Our Team
Ms. Butler - Visual Arts
Mr. Duran - Foreign Language
Ms. Gilliland - Physical Education
Ms. Mata - Special Education (Integrated Co-Teaching) ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies
Ms. Robertson - English as a New Language (ENL)
Ms. Royer - Science, General Education
Ms. Santino - Mathematics, General Education
Mr. Stillwaggon - Social Studies, General Education
Ms. Weems - English Language Arts, General Education
Mr. Wright - Library
What We Are Learning
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Library Sciences
- Foreign Language - Spanish
Supply List
10 packets of lose-leaf
2 Box of colored pencils.
2 box of dry erase markers
1 Pencil bag-sharpened.
2 boxes of construction paper.
2 plastic Pocket Folders: 802-804 Red-Math , 803-804 Green-Math, 803-Blue-Science, 802-Science Yellow, 803-804 White-Spanish, 802-Black-Spanish, 803-802 Purple-Social Studies, 804-Science-White, 803-802-804 ELA-Orange
- 3 paper towel rolls.
- 6 bottles of sanitizers.
2 pair of small scissors.
- 1 sharpener.
- 1 box of staplers-except art.
- 1 small stapler
- 12in-30cm ruler-plastic-heavy duty.
- 6 highlighter boxes
- 3-Erasers.
- 8 boxes of sharpened pencils.
- 1 box of Markers.
- 1 box of Crayons
- 10 boxes of tissue paper.
- Sketch Book-Art 8 ½ x11-Art (Go to Dollar Tree Store or 5 Below).
- 5 packs of glue sticks
- Post It Notes- 3 packs
- 2 packs of Index Cards-math and science
- 8 Clorox Disinfecting wipes
- 10 composition notebooks-non spiral.
- 2 packs of playdough-Math-Art
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Physical Education school year!
I am looking forward to another great school year. Physical Education is part of school in which learning experiences are provided through motor movement. Please make sure your 5th -8th grade students wear the Physical Education uniform to school on the days they have P.E. Wearing the uniform is important because it allows students the ability to move around freely and helps teach them hygiene. The P.E. uniform is as follows: sneakers, navy blue or grey sweatpants and the grey school t-shirt (which can be purchased from the school website) or a plain white, grey or navy blue t-shirt.
Ms. Gilliland - Physical and Health Education