Welcome to Kindergarten
Our Team
Ms. Mogilnitsky - General Education English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
Ms. Mignini - English as a New Language (ENL)
Ms. Nnebe - Special Education (Self-Contained)
Ms. Perez - Visual Art and Movement
Ms. Rivera - General Education English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies (Integrated Co-Teaching)
Ms. Rodriguez - English as a New Language (ENL)
Ms. Thomopoulos - Special Education (Integrated Co-Teaching) English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
What We Are Learning
- Reading and Writing
- Listening and Speaking
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
- Visual Art
- Movement/Physical Education
Supply List
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to working with you and your children this year. Here are a few items the children will need
- 6 Plastic folders (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple)
primary notebook (blank space for pictures on the top)
1 pack of 2 erasers
1 pack of 5 glue sticks
1 box of sharpened pencils
1 pack of Crayola markers for Art Class
1 smock (apron) for Art Class
2 boxes of Crayola crayons
Playdoh (1 pack of 4)
1 plastic pencil case bin
2 boxes of tissue
2 bottles of Lysol wipes
1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (ONLY GIRLS)
1 box of pint size Ziploc bags (ONLY BOYS)
1 bottle of liquid hand sanitizer
*** Please send in a change of clothes for your child in a large Ziploc bag which includes a shirt, pair of pants, underwear and socks. MAKE SURE YOU LABEL ALL OF YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING ***
Message from Our Kindergarten Team
Welcome aboard to kindergarten at P.S. 15! We are Ms. Rivera, Ms. Thomopoulos, and Ms. Mogilinitsky — your child’s new kindergarten teachers! We are excited to create wonderful memories with your little ones this year!
Young children learn best through play. As such, your child will be a part of many fun learning experiences this year! We encourage you to become involved in any way you can. The first year of school is always an exciting adventure for the entire family and we are privileged to join you and your child on this journey!
The Kindergarten Team